FIRMS Conference 2013: Presentations
Wednesday, 11th September
Keynote: G. Bowen, University of Utah (USA)
A spatial framework for isotope forensics
Session 1: Human Provenancing | Chairman: L. Chesson - IsoForensics (USA)
L. Font - Vrije Universiteit (The Netherlands)
Multi-isotopic studies applied to cold case investigations for human provenancing
14:00-14:20 S. Hill - LGC Ltd. (UK)
The combined power of IRMS and MC-ICPMS for the isotope ratio analysis of human hair in provenance and forensic studies
F. Huelsemann - German Sport University (Germany)
Human δ15N: indicator of diet, geographic origin or metabolism?
14:40-15:00 G. Jackson - Forensic & Investigative Science (USA)
Biometrics from the δ13-C isotope ratios of amino acids in human hair
C. Lehn - Ludwig-Maximilians University (Germany)
Provenancing of unidentified corpses by stable isotope techniques – Presentation of case studies


G.R. Davies - Vrije Universiteit (The Netherlands)
Isotope analysis on human remains from two WW2 casualties
16:00-16:20 K. Alkass - Karolinska Institutet (Sweden)
Birth Dating of of Dead Bodies using 14C Reference Levels in Enamel

Thursday, 12th September
Session 2: Geolocation | Chairman: M. Collins - National Measurement Institute (Australia)
G. St Jean - University of Ottawa (Canada)
Canadian Geo-Location Project: SigNatuRe software- Trace Elements
J. Ehleringer - IsoForensics (USA)
A review of recent forensic applications of multiple stable isotopes in human hair to reconstruct travels
09:40-10:00 G. St Jean- University of Ottawa (Canada)
Canadian Geo-Location Project: Project Completion & SigNatuRe software
10:00-10:20 G. St Jean- University of Ottawa (Canada)
Canadian Geo-Location Project: FIRMS Case files
Session 3: Data handling | Chairman: L. Stern - Federal Bureau of Investigation (USA)
10:40-11:00 G. Van der Peijl - Netherlands Forensic Institute (The Netherlands)
Strength of evidence of duct tape material composition investigations
11:00-11:20 U. Flenker - German Sport University (Germany)
Valid data or valid inference? Classification of GC-IRMS results
11:20-11:40 T. Cerling- University of Utah (USA)
Mixing of isotope signals due to sampling and physiology: a case study in deconvolution
Session 4: Isotope discrimination | Chairman: D. Widory - GEOTOP/UQAM (Canada)
11:40-12:00 L. Chesson - IsoForensics (USA)
The potential for application of ink stable isotope analysis in questioned document examination
K. Jones - Australian Federal Police (Australia)
Application of Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry for the Comparison of the Australian Office Papers
12:20-12:40 S. Schneiders - Bunderskriminalamt (Germany)
Characterisation of automotive clear coats by using stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry

Friday, 13th September
Session 5: Food and Drug Provenancing | Chairman: S. Schneiders - Bunderskriminalamt (Germany)
J. Carter - Queensland Health Forensic and Scientific Service (Australia)
Prawns and beer and in the sunshine state - stable isotope and trace metal composition as a guide to authenticity
09:20-09:40 M. Collins - National Measurement Institute (Australia)
Measurement of Stable Isotope Ratios in Methylamphetamine: A Link to its Precursor Source
09:40-10:00 S. Sarker - University of Otago (New Zealand)
A New Zealand blackberry isoscape as proxy for provenancing cannabis
10:00-10:20 N. Beckett - Griffith University (Australia)
Isotopic profiling of seized benzylpiperazine tablets using δ13C and δ15N stable isotopes
A. Ouellet - INRS-Institut Armand Frappier (Canada)
A simplified and accurate method for the analysis of urinary metabolites of testosterone-related steroids using gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry
10:40-11:00 F. Camin - Fondazione Edmund Mach (Italy)
Using stable isotope ratios to check wine vinegar authenticity
Session 6: Sponsors | Chairman: J Carter (QHFSS)
11:20-11:40 A. Kasson - Elementar
Life is Grand – how elementar Americas is propelling current IRMS measurement into the future (an update on the current product line and future innovations)
11:40-12:00 M. Wieringa - Picarro
Implementation of a Novel Laser System for Simultaneous Measurement of 13C/12C and D/H to Food Provenance
13:40-14:00 C.B. Douthitt - Thermo Fisher Scientific
Re-thinking EA-IRMS
14:00-14:20 D. Chaumont - Chaumont Systems Development
Overview of the Signature 2 software

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