Recent Publications

This compilation contains a non-comprehensive list of recent publications that may be of interest to the FIRMS community. Inclusion of an article in this list does not mean that FIRMS approves the content. You are encouraged to consider critically whether (i) the experimental work complies with SI guidelines and the FIRMS Good Practice Guide; and (ii) whether the conclusions drawn are based on sound scientific background information.

Au Yang, D., Landais, G., Assayag, N., Widory, D. and Cartigny, P., "Improved analysis of micro- and nanomole-scale sulfur multi-isotope compositions by gas source isotope ratio mass spectrometry," Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry (2016), 30(7):897—907, ISSN 1097-0231, rCM-15-0436.R2

Baisden, W.T., Keller, E.D., Hale, R.V., Frew, R.D. and Wassenaar, L.I., "Precipitation isoscapes for New Zealand: Enhanced temporal detail using precipitation-weighted daily climatology," Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies (2016),
52(4-5):343—352, pMID: 27007914

Bontempo, L., Camin, F., Paolini, M., Micheloni, C. and Laursen, K.H., "Multi-isotopic signatures of organic and conventional Italian pasta along the production chain," Journal of Mass Spectrometry (2016), 51(9):675—683, ISSN 1096-9888,

Camin, F., Boner, M., Bontempo, L., Fauhl-Hassek, C., Kelly, S.D., Riedl, J. and Rossmann, A., "Stable isotope techniques for verifying the declared geographical origin of food in legal cases," Trends in Food Science & Technology (2017), 61:176 — 187, ISSN 0924-2244

Camin, F., Bontempo, L., Perini, M. and Piasentier, E., "Stable isotope ratio analysis for assessing the authenticity of food of animal origin," Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety (2016a), 15(5):868—877, ISSN 1541-4337

Camin, F., Pavone, A., Bontempo, L., Wehrens, R., Paolini, M., Faberi, A., Marianella, R.M., Capitani, D., Vista, S. and Mannina, L., "The use of IRMS, 1H NMR and chemical analysis to characterise Italian and imported Tunisian olive oils, "Food Chemistry (2016b), 196:98 — 105, ISSN 0308-8146

Casale, J.F. and Mallette, J.R., "Illicit coca grown in Mexico: An alkaloid and isotope pro le unlike coca grown in South America," Forensic Chemistry (2016), 1:1 — 5, ISSN 2468-1709

Cerling, T.E., Barnette, J.E., Bowen, G.J., Chesson, L.A., Ehleringer, J.R., Remien, C.H., Shea, P., Tipple, B.J. and West, J.B., "Forensic stable isotope biogeochemistry," Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences (2016), 44:175—206

Chau, T.H., Tipple, B.J., Hu, L., Fernandez, D.P., Cerling, T.E., Ehleringer, J.R. and Chesson, L.A., "Reconstruction of travel history using coupled d18O and 87Sr/86Sr measurements of hair," Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry (2017),
31(6):583—589, ISSN 1097-0231, rCM-16-0281.R2

Chesson, L.A., Howa, J.D., Lott, M.J. and Ehleringer, J.R., "Development of a methodological framework for applying isotope ratio mass spectrometry to explosive components," Forensic Chemistry (2016), 2:9 — 14, ISSN 2468-1709

Chiocchini, F., Portarena, S., Ciol , M., Brugnoli, E. and Lauteri, M., "Isoscapes of carbon and oxygen stable isotope compositions in tracing authenticity and geographical origin of Italian extra-virgin olive oils," Food Chemistry (2016),
202:291 — 301, ISSN 0308-8146

Collins, M., Doddridge, A. and Salouros, H., "Cathinones: Isotopic profling as an aid to linking seizures," Drug Testing and Analysis (2016), 8(9):903—909, ISSN 1942-7611, dTA-15-0132.R2

Coplen, T.B. and Qi, H., "A revision in hydrogen isotopic composition of {USGS42} and {USGS43} human-hair stable isotopic reference materials for forensic science," Forensic Science International (2016), 266:222 — 225, ISSN 0379-0738

Danezis, G.P., Tsagkaris, A.S., Camin, F., Brusic, V. and Georgiou, C.A., "Food authentication: Techniques, trends and emerging approaches," TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry (2016), 85, Part A:123 — 132, ISSN 0165-9936, on-site and In-vivo Instrumentation and Applications

Dunn, P.J.H., Salouros, H., Carter, J.F. and Doyle, S.P., "Forensic application of stable isotope delta values: Proposed minimum requirements for method validation," Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, Volume 31, Issue 17, 15 Sept 2017, pp 1476–1480.

Fry, B., Carter, J.F., Tinggi, U., Arman, A., Kamal, M., Metian, M., Waduge, V.A. and Yaccup, R.B., "Prawn biomonitors of nutrient and trace metal pollution along Asia-Pacifc coastlines," Isotopes in environmental and health studies (2016),

Gauchotte-Lindsay, C. and Turnbull, S.M., "On-line high-precision carbon position-specifc stable isotope analysis: A review," TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry (2016), 76:115 — 125, ISSN 0165-9936

Gralher, B., Herbstritt, B., Weiler, M., Wassenaar, L.I. and Stumpp, C., "Correcting laser-based water stable isotope readings biased by carrier gas changes," Environmental Science & Technology (2016), 50(13):7074—7081, pMID: 27291718

Howa, J.D., Lott, M.J., Chesson, L.A. and Ehleringer, J.R., "Isolation of components of plastic explosives for isotope ratio mass spectrometry," Forensic Chemistry (2016), 1:6 — 12, ISSN 2468-1709

Irrgeher, J., Galler, P. and Prohaska, T., "87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio measurements by laser ablation multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry: Reconsidering matrix interferences in bioapatites and biogenic carbonates," Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy (2016), 125:31 — 42, ISSN 0584-8547

Jackson, G.P. and Barkett, M.A., "A history of the forensic applications of mass spectrometry," in M.L. Gross, and R.M. Caprioli (eds.), "The Encyclopedia of Mass Spectrometry," (Elsevier, Boston, 2016), ISBN 978-0-08-043848-1, 271 — 284

Jameel, Y., Brewer, S., Good, S.P., Tipple, B.J., Ehleringer, J.R. and Bowen, G.J., "Tap water isotope ratios reflect urban water system structure and dynamics across a semiarid metropolitan area," Water Resources Research (2016),
(8):5891—5910, ISSN 1944-7973

Jeffrey, A.W., McLoughlin, P.W. and Pirkle, R.J., "Chapter 10 - Application of isotopic compositions in fugitive petroleum product identifcation and correlation," in S.A. Stout and Z. Wang (eds.), "Standard Handbook Oil Spill Environmental Forensics (Second Edition)," (Academic Press, Boston, 2016), second edition edn., ISBN 978-0-12-803832-1, 481 — 508

Jones, K., Benson, S. and Roux, C., "The forensic analysis of office paper using oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometry. part 1: Understanding the background population and homogeneity of paper for the comparison and discrimination of samples," Forensic Science International (2016a), 262:97 — 107, ISSN 0379-0738

Jones, K., Benson, S. and Roux, C., "The forensic analysis of office paper using oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometry, part 2: Characterising the source materials and the effect of production and usage on the d18O values of cellulose and paper," Forensic Science International (2016b), 268:151 — 158, ISSN 0379-0738

Julien, M., Nun, P., Hhener, P., Parinet, J., Robins, R.J. and Remaud, G.S., "Enhanced forensic discrimination of pollutants by position-specifc isotope analysis using isotope ratio monitoring by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry," Talanta (2016), 147:383 — 389, ISSN 0039-9140

Klaver, M., Smeets, R.J., Koornneef, J.M., Davies, G.R. and Vroon, P.Z., "Pb isotope analysis of ng size samples by tims equipped with a 1013 w resistor using a 207 Pb —204 Pb double spike," J. Anal. At. Spectrom. (2016), 31:171—178

Kootker, L.M., van Lanen, R.J., Kars, H. and Davies, G.R., "Strontium isoscapes in The Netherlands. Spatial variations in 87Sr/86Sr as a proxy for palaeomobility," Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports (2016a), 6:1 — 13, ISSN 2352-409X

Kootker, L.M., Mbeki, L., Morris, A.G., Kars, H. and Davies, G.R., "Dynamics of Indian Ocean slavery revealed through isotopic data from the colonial era Cobern Street burial site, Cape Town, South Africa (1750-1827)," PLOS ONE (2016b),

Laursen, K., Bontempo, L., Camin, F. and Romann, A., "9 - advances in isotopic analysis for food authenticity testing," in G. Downey (ed.), "Advances in Food Authenticity Testing," (Woodhead Publishing, 2016), Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition, ISBN 978-0-08-100220- 9, 227 — 252

Malinovsky, D., Dunn, P.J.H. and Goenaga-Infante, H., "Calibration of Mo isotope amount ratio mea- surements by MC-ICPMS using normalisation to an internal standard and improved experimental design," J. Anal. At. Spectrom. (2016), 31:1978—1988

Mallette, J.R., Casale, J.F., Jones, L.M. and Morello, D.R., "The isotopic fractionation of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen during illicit production of cocaine base in South America," Forensic Science International (2017), 270:255 — 260, ISSN 0379-0738

Mallette, J.R., Casale, J.F., Jordan, J., Morello, D.R. and Beyer, P.M., "Geographically sourcing cocaines origin—delineation of the nineteen major coca growing regions in South America," Scientific reports (2016), 6

Mekki, I., Camin, F., Perini, M., Smeti, S., Hajji, H., Mahouachi, M., Piasentier, E. and Atti, N., "Differentiating the geographical origin of Tunisian indigenous lamb using stable isotope ratio and fatty acid content," Journal of Food Composition and Analysis (2016), 53:40 — 48, ISSN 0889-1575

Owens, P., Blake, W., Gaspar, L., Gateuille, D., Koiter, A., Lobb, D., Petticrew, E., Reiffarth, D., Smith, H. and Woodward, J., "Fingerprinting and tracing the sources of soils and sediments: Earth and ocean science, geoarchaeological, forensic, and human health applications," Earth-Science Reviews (2016), 162:1 — 23, ISSN 0012-8252

Perini, M., Bontempo, L., Ziller, L., Barbero, A., Caligiani, A. and Camin, F., "Stable isotope composi- tion of cocoa beans of di erent geographical origin," Journal of Mass Spectrometry (2016), 51(9):684— 689, ISSN 1096-9888, jMS-16-0050.R1

Qi, H., Coplen, T.B. and Jordan, J.A., "Three whole-wood isotopic reference materials, USGS54, USGS55, and USGS56, for d2H, d18O, d13C, and d15N measurements," Chemical Geology (2016a), 442:47 — 53, ISSN 0009-2541

Qi, H., Coplen, T.B., Mroczkowski, S.J., Brand, W.A., Brandes, L., Geilmann, H. and Schimmelmann, A., "A new organic reference material, l-glutamic acid, USGS41a, for 13C and 15N measurements. a replacement for USGS41," Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry (2016b), 30(7):859—866, ISSN 1097-0231, rCM-15-0475.R1

Rees, G., Kelly, S.D., Cairns, P., Ueckermann, H., Hoelzl, S., Rossmann, A. and Scotter, M.J., "Verifying the geographical origin of poultry: The application of stable isotope and trace element (SITE) analysis," Food Control (2016), 67:144 — 154, ISSN 0956-7135

Reynard, L.M. and Tuross, N., "Hydrogen isotopic analysis with a chromium-packed reactor of organic compounds of relevance to ecological, archaeological, and forensic applications," Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry (2016),
(16):1857—1864, ISSN 1097-0231, rCM-16-0098.R1

de Rijke, E., Schoorl, J., Cerli, C., Vonhof, H., Verdegaal, S., Viv-Truyols, G., Lopatka, M., Dekter, R., Bakker, D., Sjerps, M., Ebskamp, M. and de Koster, C., "The use of d2H andd18O isotopic analyses combined with chemometrics as a traceability tool for the geographical origin of bell peppers," Food Chemistry (2016), 204:122 — 128, ISSN 0308-8146

Schimmelmann, A., Qi, H., Coplen, T.B., Brand, W.A., Fong, J., Meier-Augenstein, W., Kemp, H.F., Toman, B., Ackermann, A., Assonov, S., Aerts-Bijma, A.T., Brejcha, R., Chikaraishi, Y., Darwish, T., Elsner, M., Gehre, M., Geilmann, H., Grning, M., Hlie, J.F., Herrero-Martn, S., Meijer, H.A.J., Sauer, P.E., Sessions, A.L. and Werner, R.A., "Organic reference materials for hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen stable isotope-ratio measurements: Caffeines, n-alkanes, fatty acid methyl esters, glycines, l-valines, polyethylenes, and oils," Analytical Chemistry (2016), 88(8):4294—4302, pMID: 26974360

van Schingen, M., Ziegler, T., Boner, M., Streit, B., Nguyen, T.Q., Crook, V. and Ziegler, S., "Can isotope markers differentiate between wild and captive reptile populations? a case study based on crocodile lizards (Shinisaurus crocodilurus) from Vietnam," Global Ecology and Conservation (2016), 6:232 — 241, ISSN 2351-9894

Sharp, Zachary. "Principles of Stable Isotope Geochemistry, 2nd Edition." (2017),

Sjastad, K.E., Lucy, D. and Andersen, T., "Lead isotope ratios for bullets, forensic evaluation in a bayesian paradigm," Talanta (2016), 146:62 — 70, ISSN 0039-9140

Someda, H., Gakuhari, T., Akai, J., Araki, Y., Kodera, T., Tsumatori, G., Kobayashi, Y., Matsunaga, S., Abe, S., Hashimoto, M., Saito, M., Yoneda, M. and Ishida, H., "Trial application of oxygen and carbon isotope analysis in tooth enamel for identi cation of past-war victims for discriminating between Japanese and US soldiers," Forensic Science International (2016), 261:166.e1 — 166.e5, ISSN 0379-0738

Tai, S. and Morrison, C., "Chiral and stable isotope analysis of synthetic cathinones," TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry (2017), 86:251 — 262, ISSN 0165-9936

Tipple, B.J., Hambach, B., Barnette, J.E., Chesson, L.A. and Ehleringer, J.R., "The infuences of cultivation setting on inforescence lipid distributions, concentrations, and carbon isotope ratios of cannabis sp." Forensic Science International (2016), 262:233 — 241, ISSN 0379-0738

Vinciguerra, V., Stevenson, R., Pedneault, K., Poirier, A., Hlie, J.F. and Widory, D., "Strontium isotope characterization of wines from Quebec, Canada," Food Chemistry (2016), 210:121 — 128, ISSN 0308- 8146

Webb, E.C., Honch, N.V., Dunn, P.J., Eriksson, G., Lidn, K. and Evershed, R.P., "Compound-speci c amino acid isotopic proxies for detecting freshwater resource consumption," Journal of Archaeological Science (2015), 63:104 — 114, ISSN 0305-4403

Ziegler, S., Merker, S., Streit, B., Boner, M. and Jacob, D.E., "Towards understanding isotope variability in elephant ivory to establish isotopic pro ling and source-area determination," Biological Conservation (2016), 197:154 — 163, ISSN 0006-3207

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