The Forensic Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (FIRMS) Network was founded to develop the scope of stable isotope techniques in forensic applications.
The FIRMS purpose is to raise awareness of the relevance and importance of IRMS in forensic science, crime detection and reduction.
FIRMS brings together chemists, physicists, materials scientists and life scientists who employ IRMS in their respective fields. FIRMS is helping to focus collective knowledge and expertise on improving methods for crime detection and reduction.
The FIRMS Network is now certified to the international quality standard ISO9001 for the approval of forensic practitioners in the field of isotope forensics.
As FIRMS continues to develop, it is imperative that we are kept fully apprised with the state-of-the-art from around the world. If you are new to FIRMS, or if you are carrying out IRMS research that you would like to be advertised to the FIRMS network, please email: |